The Nitty Gritty Details on our Handmade Stainless Steel Bracelets

Hey yall! 


Today's blog is a quickie - I just wanted to hop on for a bit to show you this incredible, handmade bracelet. 
This is our first Fidgey Ray Boutique jewelry launch, and this piece is special to me for several reasons. In this post, I'm going to tell you why I love it SO SO much! Let's dive in!
First off, it is a high quality, hand-welded steel bracelet that will last for ages and won't tarnish. If there's a piece of durable, long-lasting jewelry out there, this is it. And it's not made in some factory. 
Secondly, it's hand-crafted by an American union worker, who also happens to be my big brother. Everyone, meet Jeremy! When my brother gifted me one of these stainless steel cuff bracelets, I was floored. Mainly because I had no idea that he was that creative (jk, love you bro!). But really, my brother is a welder. He's a 100% dude-ish dude, so when he produced something that would fit into the style of my boutique, I was pleasantly surprised. 
So I'm going to tell you all about the no-BS amazing attributes of our Stainless Steel Cuff Bracelet
  1. It will honestly last forever. The materials used to craft this cuff bracelet aren't cheap, off the shelf materials. He uses welder's grade stainless steel and fire (pretty badass, huh?). The awesome thing about the durability of stainless steel jewelry is that you'll be able to use it forever without worries of tarnishing or breaking. Not only will you get to enjoy this bracelet, but it will be passed down in your family for generations to come.
  2. It's freaking gorgeous. We love this bracelet because it perfectly balances the core of our brand: delicate design with badass edge. The braided steel adds that touch of femininity to a durable stainless steel base. This is a piece of jewelry that you can LIVE IN. Trust me, when you put it on, your confidence rises 100%. 
  3. Handmade in America. We believe in supporting local business. Especially in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic over the last year, it's more important than ever to spend in our own economy and support local businesses that work so hard to bring you high quality pieces. This bracelet is handmade with love right from Augusta, Georgia, USA. 
  4. Handmade by a union worker. My brother doesn't just sit around and make bracelets all day, he is also an essential part of the workforce. When he's not melting metals to fix things at work, he's melting metals to create these beautiful works of art. It's pretty incredible to be able to watch his hobby turn into something tangible. Jeremy really does represent the best parts of America - working hard, fostering our hobbies, and supporting our families. When you wear this bracelet, you'll forever be connected to our family's story. And that's the most beautiful thing about business, IMO.
  5. High quality stainless steel material. Again, this is a super high quality bracelet. You won't be at work one day and all of a sudden look down to realize it's damaged. It's here to stay.


Okay, now time for a little bit of Q+A! - 
How do I style it? 
This bracelet is so versatile (another reason we love it!). You can wear it the way you'd wear any cuff bracelet. If you're out for a casual day with the kids, pair it with a casual tee shirt, denim, and sneakers. If you're headed to work, it'll go great with a pair of trousers, a nice blouse, and a blazer. And if you're hitting the clubs, wear it with your sexiest dress. If that's not the definition of versatility, I don't know what is!
Can I resize it to fit my wrist? 
Yes! This bracelet is durable enough to last forever, but flexible enough to resize if you need to. Just bend it slightly at the middle to fit your wrist. Nothing fancy needed!
How long will it last?
Forever (with the proper care)! It's 100% stainless steel.
As always, let us know if you have this bracelet or have any questions! Make sure to tag us on Instagram @fidgeyray with #fidgeyraymission. 
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